Technical Communities Signs Partnership with Hitachi Data Systems

Agreement will offer greater access to Hitachi’s portfolio of products

SAN BRUNO, CA., NOVEMBER 12, 2008 —Technical Communities, a leading service provider for technical organizations that sell to U.S. government agencies, military organizations, and prime federal contractors, announced today a new government channel partnership agreement with Hitachi Data Systems.

“Technical Communities is pleased to bring our industry expertise to Hitachi Data Systems. By providing leading storage solutions, we will help Hitachi Data Systems achieve greater access to government organizations and improve its efficiency,” said Peter Ostrow, President and CEO of Technical Communities. “Our goal is to optimize the GSA buying and selling experience for our partners, and I am pleased to welcome Hitachi Data Systems to our team.”

The agreement authorizes Technical Communities to provide U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule management for Hitachi Data Systems Federal Channel partners, including teaming agreements and agent agreements. Hitachi Data Systems product information is available at .

“Hitachi Data Systems is very excited about this relationship with Technical Communities. This agreement will provide all Hitachi Data Systems channel partners access to the full portfolio of Hitachi products and solutions on Technical Communities’ GSA Schedule, allowing us to further expand our GSA Schedule business,” said Michael Tanner, Federal District Manager of Hitachi Data Systems.

The General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) managed by Technical Communities will provide content, transaction, marketing, sales support, and reporting services to Hitachi Data Systems. Technical Communities also will provide presentation and order processing through the GSA’s e-commerce web site,, and the company’s own online marketplaces,,, and